Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Beer Post: BRACKETS!

If I've said it once, I've said it a million times: American's love brackets. We just get brackets. The egalitarian culling of the herd through merit; from many to one. We bracket everything. Playoffs, pop culture opinions; you name it, and we'll bracketize it. About the only thing we love more than brackets are lists, but that's a whole 'nother post...

With this in mind, I'd like to call your attention to The National IPA Championship. (A mighty hat-tip to my buddy Rick for bringing this to my attention. Rick writes for the Denver Examiner on all things craft brewing, and you can read more of his stuff here.) This is the most awesom-ist idea that ever awesomed. 128 IPA's are going head-to-head to determine the best in the Nation. I'm actually rather giddy over this. You want to talk beer variety: 128 IPA's! Thas a lotta variety!

So head on over, kill some time, and fill out your brackets. By filling out your brackets on-line, you can enter the contest, and, if you win, they'll send you a free case of beer!

While I'm rather partial to hometown hero Avery, and their ubiquitous "Avery IPA," I've also enjoyed Deschutes' "Inversion IPA," Lagunitas' "Maximus," Stone's "Stone IPA," and Great Divide's "Titan." I'm not even going to pretend that I've even heard of most of the 128, so I'll be taking a stab in the dark on most match-ups. It'll sure be fun though! Could you imagine tasting all of these?!

Have a great 3-day weekend!

1 comment:

  1. So all of the judges for the NIPAC are brewers and I can just see them getting absolutely blitzed during the first round. I mean, 128 hoppy-ass beers, how do you do that?
