Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Quick-Post: Ozzie quote-o-rama

Love Ozzie, especially when he gets feisty. Like last night!
  • On Blue Jay fans booing Alex Rios: "We need people in the ballpark just to come out and boo Alex the next four days. Please, we haven't seen many fans here the last three or four years. Come out just to boo him. Chicago people, start booing Rios, please. They're booing him here, he got three hits. They were clapping for him in Chicago, and he's was hitting (.174). [...] Every time they boo him, we'll be laughing because they're still paying him like $20 million. [...] How many people are going to show up [for the opener], about 50,000 or 40,000? Tell the fans in Toronto, 'Alex Rios is in Toronto; all you fans come out and boo him.' We need people in the ballpark just to come out and boo Alex the next four days. Please, we haven't seen many fans here the last three or four years. Come out just to boo him.'"

  • On the media giving him crap for line-up selection: "I don't give a bleep about talk shows. Those talk shows in Chicago, they're lucky I'm here because they'd be selling cheeseburgers and hot dogs somewhere. I don't care what they think about what I do because it's easy when you're behind the mike and criticize people after things get done."

  • On Complaints that the Sox didn't resign Jim Thome: "Nothing against Jim Thome, but when we got Jim Thome, we finished third three out of four [seasons]. I don't know what the big deal is. ... I think this ballclub is going to play the way we want them to play.''

  • On away fans booing Sox players: "Put it this way, they booed Jim Thome in Cleveland [when he returned with the Sox]. When you boo Jim Thome in Cleveland, then you don't know what you can expect from the fans. People probably didn't know where Cleveland was until Jim Thome got there. [...] They're going to boo me, too. We have the team that everywhere we roll, they boo. They boo A.J. everywhere. They pick someone to boo. We get used to it."

(Laughing Ozzie fully supports this post)

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