Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Boise State and the BCS

I watched most of the Boise St/Va Tech game last night. Outside of the 1st quarter (with my roommate stating nonchalantly "it's over" after Boise St went up 10-0 with 55 minutes still to play) I wasn't really that impressed with either team. I did notice some size and speed improvements from Boise St (especially along the lines), but they're still an over-acheiving team who can get up for one or two tough games every year, and then coast through their cupcake conference schedule.

I struggle with this concept every year. I hate the BCS (As currently constructed. If it was used towards a playoff it would be tolerable), but I don't think Boise St (or TCU, BYU, Hawaii, Utah, or any other "BCS Buster") really deserves a shot at the "title." I think this is the rational view that most poll-voters take when they year-in, year-out put Boise St on the outside of the national title game looking in. Sure, their programs story is kind of cool, and everyone loves to root for an underdog, but does a team who only plays 2 or 3 competitive teams a year really prove themselves?

(How impressive would Kellen Moore's numbers be if he had to slog through a Big XII or SEC schedule every year? From: NBC Sports)

I honestly believe a 1 loss SEC, Big XII, or Big 10 team is more deserving of a shot at the title than a 12-0 Boise St (regardless of what made-for-TV game they put together to start the season). After they play Oregon St they will face absolutely no one worth a damn. Sure, it's not their fault their conference is made up of the San Jose St's and Utah St's of the world, but I can't give them the level of credit I will give to the "big boys." And what's more, I'm pretty sure the voters share my opinion (I know the computers who weigh strength of schedule will).

Hope they enjoy the Fiesta Bowl.

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