Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bye Week Preview

Bye weeks piss me off. Football is not a sport I naturally enjoy, and while I can watch a baseball or a college basketball game for no reason what-so-ever, I must have a rooting interest (general or made-up) to stay engaged when watching football. So it's natural that my mind can tend to drift on a bye week. In that spirit, here's a list of things I'm going to do this weekend while the Buffs are resting (hint, none of it involves leaving the house):

Civ V - I've always been a huge fan of the Civilization series. This past week the newest iteration came out. If you've never played a Civ game before, and are thinking of giving it a try, be forewarned: they are more addictive than crack. I've lost countless hours to the "Next Turn" button blinking happily at me. Larger games can take 6 or more hours to complete, but the gameplay is engaging and varied. Since purchasing this on Tuesday, I've only been able to play a grand total of 1 hour; you better believe this will get some work over the weekend.

Community Season 1 DVD - I've been pushed by reliable sources to give this show a try. While I usually try to stay away from network television, I do like a good modern comedy show (especially one that's smart enough to not have a laugh track). The first disk arrived from Netflix this week, and I'm gonna give it a shot.

Maybe Watch College Football - My word there are some shitty games this week. Take for example the Big XII: Only two teams, Texas and Oklahoma, are playing BCS schools. Texas is hosting UCLA and Oklahoma is going to Cincinnati. Neither of those teams are any good. Overall, if the Big XII doesn't have a perfect week, what with the likes of South Dakota St (Nubs) and Miami OH (Mizzou) on the schedule, something is seriously wrong. Nationally it's not much better. I cant even bring myself to care about Alabama/Arkansas or Boise St/Oregon St. Seriously, not a single game this weekend is worth my time.

NFL Sunday - The roommates and I got Sunday Ticket which allows me to watch my fantasy team slowly die each week in real-time (I hate you Brett Favre). Even though I don't necessarily like the NFL, the Red Zone channel is awesome. You have access to every game, and there are no commercials. No annoying media timeouts, and no annoying "game-breaks;" just action. If there's one problem I've always had with football, its the lack of actual "game" over the course of 3 hours. Last year there was a Wall Street Journal article that talked about the fact that there's only 11 minutes of actual game action in any given football game. Hell, 58.5% of the time they're just standing around! The Red Zone gets rid of that crap and only shows you the most interesting thing going on at any given moment. I hope the person who came up with this gets a Nobel Prize.

Mad Men - I must watch this every week. If you know me at all, you know that time essentially stops Sunday nights when this is on. I can't say enough about this show, so I won't try. Suffice to say it's awesome. It also gives me an excuse to have a Macallan on the rocks. A really nice way to end a weekend.

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