Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Custer's Last Stand: Sox v Twins

I'll admit, I was overly grumpy yesterday. (Not like I didn't have cause) After I dropped 1,300+ words on how shitty the Buffs were on Saturday, I flippantly threw 100 at my beloved White Sox. Rather unfairly, I dismissed the accomplishments of this years team as "never that great of a team anyways." Upon retrospect (and a beer during the boring Jets/Ravens game last night), I realized I was way too harsh on a team that has a great shot at winning 90 games and has a small shot at 95. In the 109 years of White Sox history there have only been 19 seasons of 90 win baseball. To spit at such a season is truly disingenuous as a baseball fan. The reality is that the Twins have just been better. The Sox have won nine of their last 13 and lost 2 games in the standings. I shouldn't fault my Boys for falling to a better ball-club.

At first glance, the Sox aren't pretty. Built for a league that they don't compete in (Ozzie, we play in the American League. Next time the GM offers you a DH, take it!), and beset by injuries over the 2nd half, its honestly a miracle we're still talking even a 5% chance at the playoffs. Yet this team is built upon fundamentals that I usually appreciate. The Sox have a solid (on-paper) bullpen, a stronger-than-average starting 5, and a traditionally constructed top of the order (speed-contact-best hitter-power). Defensively, they are a competent team (2 or 3 guys (Rios, Ramirez and Buehrle) deserve serious consideration for gold gloves), and they've gotten career years out of Paul Konerko and Freddy Garcia.

Seriously, Paulie should be getting more love for this season. Most had thought his career on the downward swing coming into this season, and hes responded with one of the best offensive years in franchise history. Hitting well over .300 with near-as-makes-no-difference .400 OBP and slugging near .600, Paulie has shown he still has (some) gas in the tank. It's been a complete offensive performance, and one that should be rewarded with a new contract this offseason if only for the fact that he's been with the team since '99. I really should've been enjoying this team all year (At least since June 9th when they took off); I guess I was looking big picture a little too much.

(Hes been frickin awesome all year. From: The trib)

That's the curse of winning the World Series: nothing short of it will do any more. Teams like this 2010 bunch, prior to '05, would've gone down in Sox lore (just look at how middle-aged Sox fans revere the '77 team). Now I just mumble about how they stalled in late August, and fret about the next two years. It's sad really.

This team is good, and they get one last shot to prove it, starting tonight. This 3 game set, at home, against the Twins, is it. While some pundits have said just winning this series will do , only a sweep keeps any hopes of a 163rd game (and the playoffs) alive. Down six, a one game gain won't cut it. If only for confidence and bragging rights headed into next year, we need to spike the ball in their face. The damn Twins have been a thorn in our side since we won the division in the "homer dome" in 2000 (on a loss mind you). Hell, over the past decade, we've only had one winning season against them (2005). It'd feel good to make 'em sweat just a little bit down these final 2.5 weeks.

(Damn Straight Southpaw! Chase that thing back across the border! From: Jim Margalus and his invaluable website.

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