Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hansen at least avoids the blame game

I'll give Tyler Hansen one thing; he didn't fall into the "blame-game" trap. While watching Hawk grasp for straws Monday afternoon (surprised with the performance after the best Thursday practice; we were one play from turning the game around... yadda, yadda, yadda), it was nice to see some of the players stand up for themselves, take accountability, and talk about what needs to be corrected.

While I wasn't comfortable with Tyler going all "Tebow" on us Saturday night (at least he didn't weep and whine like a little girl while doing it), it was nice to see the players step forward, and admit failure. They recognize that there is nothing good to come of the Cal debacle, and that no excuse will make up for playing better.

Hawaii preview tomorrow... (sigh)

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