Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hey, Look! I have free time!

Wow, this is awkward. So, um, how's it been over the last 4 months? Good?

So, my work schedule has, finally, lessened (albeit slightly), and I can get back to my pet blogging/self-psychoanalysis project. And none too soon I might add. It's September 1st, which means: September Baseball and the dawning realization that 5 months of caring about my White Sox is shortly about to go to waste, the start of football and the dawning realization that the next 3 months of caring about my Buffs will go to waste, and basketball season is around the corner (which is legitimately awesome).

I won't even try to pick up where I left off, but things like the grab bag and the Friday beer post, still seem like good ideas. So sit back, relax, and strap it down; the rumbling's have returned

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