Saturday, September 4, 2010

Quick thoughts on the RMS

I'll tackle this beast both in the Monday Grab-bag and (probably) a wrap up Tuesday, but for now I'll just say that this game should never be played in Denver.

Over the past decade the attendance has progressively gotten worse. Sure, both teams are coming off of 9 loss seasons, but that doesn't excuse the tens of thousands of empty seats. Invesco sucks, interest is so low that maybe 45,000 showed up (61,000? please. Whoever pulled that number out of their ass deserves an honorary B.A. in BS), and the atmosphere was anything but "big time." It's a pitiful joke and becomes more so every year.

What's wrong with college football on a college campus? I've been up to Huges in FoCo; long story short it sucks Cam's hairy nutsack. But, I'd still rather suffer through a game in that shithole then another afternoon in that soul-less, aluminium monstrosity.

Fuck. Invesco.

Also, fuck Cinch Jeans.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, the Mtn sucks at broadcasting. They bragged about their skycam every time they could. Also, the empty seats were painfully visible and everyone noted it at the alum bar I watched the game at in SD. You're damn right it should be at eachother's stadiums every year. I hate the fact that our school loses money to this crap.
