Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lazy Tuesday

No one is getting fired today; I don't care what netbuffs poster says he has a "source" that says Hawk is gone. Along with that, Buff nation is kind of holding it's collective breath. With a near hopeless weekend road-trip looming, we're all on a pseudo-bye week; waiting to see if Hawk gets shit-canned next week. In that vein, I'm crazy lazy this morning, so I've compiled a set of links with comments. Enjoy my half-assed attempt at a post.

Ringo's column - It was nice today to see Ringo kiss and make up with Cody. It did not go unnoticed that it was Ryan Thorburn who wrote the weekend article bashing Cody for his post-game comments. Ringo's absolutely right, Cody should not be blamed for playing as hard as he can; that it's the coaches who should be blamed for having to rely on his sub-D1 talent. My whole point yesterday was that Cody is too emotional when he goes to the press, and that he needs to, for the sake of everyone involved, stay away from microphones. That some people are going onto twitter and attacking him on a personal level is just plain incorrigible.

Kiszla's column
- I've always felt that Mark Kiszla is kind of a douche. He's Mariotti-esque in the way he pushes his agendas, and it just rubs me the wrong way. That's why it pains me to admit he's right. Bringing Mac in during the season would be a bad move; but I'm slowly coming around to the idea of Mac actually becoming the next CU head football coach. Kiszla makes the valid point that installing Mac (or any other new head coach) during the season would create an needlessly uncomfortable situation. I'll buy it. Regardless of how the coaching deal shakes out, I think Hawk needs to be fired come Sunday/Monday, and, considering his experience with the position, Cabral needs to be installed as the interim head coach. We still need to look for other candidates, but if Mac was the one who's name is called the day after the Nebraska game, I won't cry foul. In a perfect world, I would like someone from outside the program come in and right the ship. But, with Mac willingness to take the position, it might just be time to turn our lonely eyes to the past for future leadership.

Thorburn's column - I was wondering why one of the two practice interview videos was with Shane; it seemed like an odd choice... The long search for playable Buffalo big-man has filled many column inches over the past 6 years (since David Harrison left). Considering that it's no surprise that Thorburn has jumped on the Harris-Tunks hope; but doesn't this column sound eerily similar to ones written about Austin Dufault last year? Adding some weight onto a wiry frame? check. Subtle intimation that if he doesn't pan out there's not really another option? check. Throw in some comments about how poor CU is at rebounding and blocking shots, and you've got yourself an easy-ass column. I'd love to see H-T develop into a decent post player (I really like some of the offensive skill sets he brings tot he table), it's just that, much like the football team and their "best practices ever" every week, I've heard the story before.

Yahoo Politics Van story - I found this story interesting since I had a friend participate in this video (He got all the answers right... with a little help from yours truly). Listen, asking a bunch of drunk kids at a football game the answers to basic political questions is a sure-fire way to make people look dumb; but it doesn't mean that the student body at large is either uninformed or ill-taught. I love how Tom Lucero, the regent who constantly runs around screaming the sky is falling, took the bait and whacked the school as a whole over this stupid video. It fits his panicky M.O. to a 'T'. Look, they gave us pie, and asked how many members of congress there are (considering that we were 8-ish beers in the hole at the time, I'm glad we were able to stand up straight); you know that they attracted some idiots, but what you don't know is how many people got those questions right. I got a minor in poli-sci from Dear Old CU, and I'll state for a fact that not only could I answer all of that dude's questions without thinking, but I could've taught him a thing or two in the process. The education that CU provides is excellent and encompassing, and anyone who twists their panties over this video is a moron.

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