Friday, October 29, 2010

Quick Post: Henderson of the Post has a list of 4

Hey, look at that, there's a new tag down there at the bottom: "coaching search"

John Henderson of the post had this to say today: "I'm told four people are atop the target list: Bill McCartney, Alabama offensive coordinator Jim McElwain, Auburn offensive coordinator Gus Malzahn and LSU coach Les Miles."

There you go, that's your starting point.... we've got a short list. Let the search begin in earnest.

(Personally, I'd like to see Les Miles. He's got a brand of crazy that I can get behind...)


  1. I am skeptical we could get Les Miles. When the Michigan coaching job opened up, they offered it to Les Miles an he refused due to his loyalty to LSU. Michigan is Les Miles's Alma Mater. I just don't see what we could say to get him to leave, because I don't think LSU is pressuring him to leave.

  2. Not while LSU is still ranked and in the race for the SEC championship. LSU doesn't want another Nick Saban. I'm not opposed to Miles by any means, but it's unlikely.

    I personally would like to see McElwain take the reins. Maybe we could get a few promising 'Bama freshmen to come along too

  3. From all I've heard, most LSU fans want Miles out, and he may even get fired regardless of how the team finishes this year. He has ties to the program (coached under Mac) and is a toxic name in SEC circles. He'd be looking for a new situation, and program that would look to him as a savior would probably be palatable for him.

    For me it's Mac or "the Hat." There's going to be a lot more competition (read: financially) for either of the OC's from the state of Alabama.

    If Miles is a pipe dream, then it'll probably mean Mac (and by extension Dave Logan who I've heard will be the designated coach in waiting).

  4. Wow, I didn't know that about Miles. I feel bad for LSU coaches, a couple years ago they were worried he was going to leave for Michigan, and now they want him fired.

    So what are your thoughts on Mac being out of the game too long?

  5. I think it's something to consider. College football is much different than it was in 1994. Back in Mac's day it was about personal recruiting pitches and power football; now it's all about facilities and gimmick offenses. It's a different game and a different world. And just think, when he comes back he'll be recruiting kids who weren't even born the last time he was on the West sideline of Folsom. His re-entrance into the college football world would be a placeholder, and nothing else. It would be a move to placate the boosters and the older fans desperate for a glimmer of life, any life from the program. It would be a desperate move, and one that I doubt would bring much success, and one that may even ruin the reputation of one of the most revered names in CU history.

    But that doesn't mean that I am necessarily against it... Mac coming back would probably help donations, and improve fan base morale; which is nothing to sniff at. Additionally, given the right coach-in-waiting it could be beneficial to the eventual growth of the program. Just don't expect a lot of bowl trips right away just because Mac is back. He's going to have a big adjustment period.

    On a side note: A lot of people have been pointing to Bill Snyder at K-State and saying "see? Mac can do the same thing." I think Mac's situation is vastly different from that of Bill Snyder. Bill Snyder, at his advanced and grizzled age, has come back and had some middling success, but it was after only 3 years absence. It's still his program, and he's coaching players that he had recruited. Mac is coming in after a generation of players has come and gone. The only similarity in their respective situations is the fact that they're old.
