Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Buffalo Chips

Damn, the slowness of this week is painful when compared to the frantic Buff-news pace of the past month.  In reaction, I'm doing to old lazy trick of commenting directly on what Ringo and the BDC posted today.  Yes, I feel ashamed.

Tyler says he'll be ready for spring ball - Well he better be... just kidding.  I just automatically assume that any athlete injured and forced out for the remainder of a season will be perfectly fine come next year; obviously that is not always the case, and its childish to assume so.  It sounds like Tyler's doing the work to get himself ready, and is on schedule to return at his 100% for spring ball.  As the only incumbent QB with any playing time under his belt, we desperately need Tyler back.  I may not be completely satisfied with him as the CU starting QB, but, at this point, he's much better than any alternatives.

Wyoming is back on the basketball schedule - A few years back, a few friends and I made the trek up to Laramie to see the men take on the Pokes.  We drove through a damn blizzard that later shut down the interstate to get up there.  When we arrived, on the day of Wyo's commencement no less, the bar patrons we ran into prior to the game were shocked to see CU fans there.  "We don't even travel from Laramie to see Wyoming/Colorado in basketball." Uh-huh.

I actually enjoyed my brief time in Laramie, which is why I note the restarting of a century-old Front Range basketball rivalry with much applause.  I was disappointed when former CU coach Bzdelik dropped all the Mountain Time Zone opponents after his first season.  We had been playing DU, Wyoming, and New Mexico before those series got scrubbed (It was really the only thing I ever disagreed with over Bz's tenure; other than the frequency of losses, of course).  Happy to see the pokes back on the schedule, and when it comes time for the road trip to Laramie I'll be more than happy to make the trip north again.

Nate Solder is awesome -  Named a consensus First-Team All-American on Tuesday, Nate earned his place up on the Press Box Wall. Kudos, Nate.  There was a ton of pre-season hype surrounding the gigantic tackle from Buena Vista, and, impressively, he lived up to it.  I was really hoping he'd become CU's first Outland Trophy winner, but becoming the latest in the long line of Buff's celebrated as All American football stars is a hell of an achievement.  Now all that's left in his college career is earning an early 1st-round draft selection (While they will end up picking late, the Bears could use a lot of O-line help *cough* *cough*). 

Cal game still potentially on 2011 schedule - I highly doubt it, but Ringo went and ruminated about the game.  We desperately need a 5th home game on the schedule (not only for money reasons, but the 8 games away from Folsom will really hurt the team next year), and I think keeping the Cal game has to be plan 43(f).  Any 1-AA team, really any at all, will do here.  Keeping Cal on the schedule sets us up for a extremly rough schedule, as opposed to just a damn tough one.

If you desperately want to avoid the 1-AA route, there are D-1 solutions.  What are the MAC schools doing?  Miami Ohio owes us from trading us for a stupid neutral-site game with Kentucky (and sticking us with a shit-tacular road-trip to Toledo).  What about Idaho?  They suck.  Might they be needing a game?  How about BYU?  They're down on their on-field luck and needing to plug 7 holes in next year's schedule.  How bout a Big East school.  They all suck, but would make for an interesting opponent.  Let's make this happen, South Florida (Would un-officially be the Darrell Scott Bowl)

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