Thursday, December 9, 2010

CSU wrapup

I went to sleep last night ready to wake up and blast the Buffs performance against the in-state rival Rams.  The Buffs allowed CSU to shoot 59% in regulation, erase a 5 point deficit with 49 seconds to play, and continually knife the Buffs with drives to the basket and easy layups; the defense was at times lousy, and at other times just good enough to get out-executed.  It made for a fitful night of sleep.

But then an interesting thing happened; I woke with a start around 3 AM to a hallucination of a mouse that was never there to begin with (more gravy than of grave, and all of that).  While trying to get back to sleep I began to have second thoughts about the game.

Sure, the defense needs work (a lot of work), and we were out-rebounded at home by a middling Mountain West team, but the game was really exciting to watch.  Driving home last night I heard the play-by-play guys mention that there were 10 lead changes and 14 ties.  Both teams brought it last night, and when your team comes away from a scrap like that with a 'W', you can never take a win for granted.  If I can't for one day, at least, forget about future matchup issues and relish a hard fought victory by my favorite basketball team, then what's the point of being a fan?
(Had to fight for that win last night, and the Buffs answered the bell at the end.  From the BDC)

There was plenty about the Buffs performance last night to savor; four players with double-digit points (and two more with 8), the Buffs gained a 15-7 advantage on turnovers, Dufault had a great defensive performance (8-4-3 with no turnovers), Levi rebounded from a slow start to bring 12 desperately needed points late in the second half, CU showed the ability to adjust offensively when things weren't going well early, and closed the game out strong by going on a 8-1 run in the final minute of overtime.  In addition, while Ringo may not think so, I thought Alec Burks had a great game (it certainly wasn't his fault that Corey kept missing free throws in the final minute which allowed CSU into overtime).  He touched the ball on nearly every possession late and took over in overtime; 25-5 is a pretty good line in any game, but he was decently efficient with the ball in his hands, got to the line often, and added 5 big rebounds.

Hey, you can't always play a perfect game, and sometimes you have to take wins as they come; the good with the bad, yadda yadda.  After mulling it over I'm happy with the victory and proud of my Buffs.  I only wish someone had gotten a shot of Boyle interacting with the student section after the game...


One thing I would like to add: I'm very disappointed with the CSU student body.  Last year me and 500+ of my Buff brethren braved freezing temperatures and icy roads (on a weeknight no less) to drive up to Ft. Shit-hole, only to see the team lose by 15 points.  This year, on a much more hospitable evening, and even with a women's game to add to the evening, the CSU student body could barely muster 20 or so students in the crowd.  For shame Rams, for shame.  Say what you will about Ram-fans (and I've said plenty), but at least we care about our University.  Maybe that's what you get for attending a safety school: a lack of pride in your own institution because you're still miffed about not getting in somewhere else.  See you in the fall :-)

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