Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday Grab Bag: Lulz all around; it's Tebow time!

Basketball is on finals week hiatus, the hyper-storm of press over Jon Embree's signing has died down, and baseball's Winter Meetings have concluded; i.e. not much to talk about.  Oh, Wait!  The Broncos suck!  Thank the heavens!  On to the bag...

Tim Tebow is coming to town, so be good for goodness sake - The Broncos got humiliated (were you expecting anything different?) 43-13 yesterday; therefore Tim Tebow will solve the franchise's problems.  What stage of grief is Broncos Nation currently experiencing?  Is insanity an option?  I've seen them hack through Denial back when fans couldn't believe that the team was this bad, and Anger during the whole "Fire J-Mac NOW" thing, so that must mean they're on to Bargaining.  Sit back and watch the fun as Broncos fans actually clamor for Tim Tebow to lead their team onto the field.  Accordingly, I fully expect Broncos brass and interim head coach Studesville to cave to fan pressure and start the Jesus-back sometime over the next few weeks.  What's amazing is that grown-ass men in the front office and in the media, who should know better, are listening to religious-ly induced crazed hordes wanting a glorified 3rd string washout to run some form of the option in a meaningless NFL game next Sunday.  Holy Hell this can only end up being hilarious.
(Should they really turn to this random woman and her ilk for football advice?  She looks totally knowledgeable in the ways of building a championship football team.  Much like free candy vans, this seems legit.  From: the post)

What's even more perfect is that the Broncos have a built in excuse when he fails.  Not only was Josh McDaniels the one who drafted him (He, and only he, was the problem!), but the fans backed the 'Cos brain trust into starting Tebow before he was ready (We gave you what you wanted!).  Pat Bowlen and the rest of his John Elway coat-tail riding wannabe's will get off scott-free in this whole fiasco (He's coming back, this will solve all of our problems!).  Please remember, it wasn't just J-Mac that lead to the impending Tebow disaster (where-in not only will he fail to impress, but he will also cause the Donkey's to spend yet another draft pick on a QB next year).

BTW (and completely sarcastic), where are the hordes screaming for Brady Quinn?  At least he's taken some meaningful snaps in the NFL.  If Bronco nation is going to bray and kick for a young QB to play the final few games this year, why not scream like a jackass for the other J-Mac QB flop.
(He's the one of the right)

Just how similar is the Broncos Situation to the Buffs? - Think about it.  Team hires young up and coming "offensive mind" to lead team.  He shows up with a lot of promise, completely remaking the team in his own image; even bringing in a QB who may not exactly have the talent to succeed at the current level.  Nepotism is involved.  While there is a little success early, and the accompanying fan-base hype, the whole thing eventually comes crashing down to the point where the fans desperately want to see the young coach get fired.  When he does, the fanbase turns fervently to legends of days gone by to "bring the program back to glory."  Hype machine builds up again...

The situations are eerily similar.  Obviously the Denver sports base has pissed the Football Gods off somehow... I blame Betsy Hoffman (somehow she's behind all of this).

Embree lands his first recruit - I don't like to talk recruiting news before signing day, but I would like to mention Jon Embree's first "get" as Buffs head coach.  Sticking it to future conference rival UCLA, Embo nabbed Arvada West's OL Marc Mustoe who had previously committed to the Bruins.  Mustoe is the 5th ranked prep from Colorado and 2nd best lineman in the state.  Mustoe's a big dude; 6-7, 270.  The Buffs now have 3 of the top 10 recruits from the state of Colorado on their commit list.

Bears stink - Are the Bears leading their division with a 9-4 record?  Yes, but that doesn't mean that they don't secretly suck.  This team has "first-round playoff loss" written all over them.  Playing at home in adverse conditions, the Monsters of the Midway managed to have the worst first-half in franchise history en route to a 36-7 loss to the Patriots yesterday.  Sigh.  The worst part is the Bears will be just good enough for Lovie Smith to keep his job.  The good-ish news was that the Lions knocked Packers QB Aaron Rogers out early enough Sunday afternoon to escape with a 7-3 win, thereby keeping the Bears in first place (for now).

(That's a very sad Urlacher; he must have just come to the realization that '06 was his only shot at a ring.  From: the Trib)

Metrodome Collapse - Speaking of the Bears, the location of next week's Monday Night Football tilt with the ViQueens is up in the air after the Metrodome roof sprung a leak.  Seriously, take a look at this:

Good God, that coulda killed someone!  Domes are a threat to humanity and should be banned! 

Happy Monday, and stay out of domes!

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