Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Updated: Who I think the next coach will be

Let's get to the point.  With Calhoun out of the way, Mac getting thrown under the anti-God bus, and Coach Cabral "speaking like a man moving on," there are really only two scenarios going forward; Eric Bieniemy or Les Miles.

None of the developments of the past few days have been surprising.  While I think Mike Bohn really wanted to include Air Force coach Troy Calhoun, I don't think Calhoun every really wanted to be included.  Most people had agreed the the longer the search went on, the less likely Mac would get the call.  And Cabral was a looooong-shot at best even had he beat Nebraska.  While the post threw out a few extra names today (Kevin Summlin at Houston which would be a stretch as he's holding out for a better spot, and McElwain at Alabama who would, I think, be a tough sell) I think our list has been cut to two, and it really is a list of one with a caveat.

If we can pony-up the cash, Les Miles is our guy; and here's the thing, Mike Bohn has never not gotten his man.  In '05 he wanted Hawk, so he got Hawk; when the Ricardo Patton situation exploded he wanted Jeff Bzdelik, so he went out and got Jeff Bzdelik; and when Bzdelik bolted for Wake Forest and the ACC, Bohn wanted his college buddy Tad Boyle, so he got Tad Boyle.  Money, enticements, situation; regardless of these, Mike has always gotten his #1 choice, and by all account, LSU coach Les Miles is his guy.

(Pay that man his money)

Let's say, for instance, that Miles and CU have talked numbers (which I believe they have).  Let's say they were even far apart ($1-1.5 million a year).  I have no doubt that Mike wouldn't let an issue so petty as money stand in his way of getting the guy he wants/needs.  This is the hire that will define/potentially end his career at CU; you think he's going to let a little money stand in his way?  If that's the only thing keeping Les Miles from putting on a white CU cap, it aint no thang.  He'll get the money, somehow, and get the guy he wants.  Based on this, I'm going to take a bite at the apple, and say we get Les.  Call me crazy, but I think Mike can land the White-hatted Whale.

If, however, the Les Miles thing falls through, then we're getting Scooter back, who was my first choice all along, so I think we're in a pretty good situation.  Anyone other than Bieniemy or Miles, and I'll be shocked.

Either way, I expect an announcement soon-ish, but definitely by next Tuesday.


(Update 11:26 AM) - So, I kind of forgot to mention Jon Embree.  However, I have a hard time believing that he would get the gig over Bieniemy.  More than likely Embree is part of the rumored All-Time CU Greats coaching staff that Bieniemy is pitching; probably the OC.  The internet is throwing around names like Greg Brown, Kanavis McGhee, Greg Biekert and Jashon Sykes for the defensive coaching staff, along with Embree for OC.  I've also seen some teases for a headlining TE coach... maybe Dan Graham has some retirement plans???... It's completely bullshit, but it's always fun to throw around potential assistant coaches...


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