Friday, January 28, 2011

Quick-Post: Cory Higgins playing through pain

 Interesting article in the Post yesterday.  It details all of the bumps and bruises that Cory Higgins has been playing through this season.  (BTW, I had no idea this was going on.  Concussion?  Bruised kidney?  Where was I when this happened?)  Cory's the rock that the program is built upon right now, and it's awesome that that rock goes out there every night at battles his ass off, regardless of how he's feeling.  He's a great example for the younger talent.

Key quote: "It wasn't an easy thing, but I felt like I battled through it the best that I could, and I felt like I was still helping the team some way even if it wasn't scoring."  Could you ask for anything more from a key player battling through some injury problems?

If I was a lot meaner, I'd be saying something about Jay Cutler learning a thing or two about playing through pain right about now.

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