Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Quick Thoughts on the BCS title game

Before the game a friend asked me for a score prediction.  I said 23-18 Oregon; I just knew it would be low scoring.  Besides the fact that one-sided group-think about a game is usually wrong (in this case that it would be high scoring), I figured the near 40 or so days-off for both teams would certainly hurt offenses built around timing and quick decisions within a rhythm. 

The bowls, and their timing, really do a disservice to the quality of college football presented.  What is true in the regular season (amazingly effective offenses in this instance) often doesn't carry over because of the layoffs.  Within the last few years, this issue has been exacerbated by an extra week between the traditional January 1st date and the superficial made for TV time that's become the norm.  If this game was played a month ago, not only the score, but the winner probably would've been different.  Not for nothing, but a playoff system would eliminate this issue; teams making the final would be in rhythm and ready to rock to their full potential.
(Cam Newton, and the Auburn Tigers, get the mythical national championship.  From: the post)

Additionally, I was frustrated with the way the game ended.  Not the winner (I couldn't really care less either way) but the way Auburn got down to score on their final drive.  Sure, give all the credit in the world to Michael Dyer for realizing the whistle hadn't blown, but it just felt... unfair... that a game with such magnitude would essentially end on a fluke play.  It's a bullshit argument, I'll admit, but one I'll make none-the-less.  The whole deal left me with a sour taste in my mouth.

(ESPN had a great picture that would've fit perfectly here, showing Dyer rolling on top of the Duck defender, but they don't allow capturing their images, so fuck them.)

Anywho, good game, and very entertaining.  While it may not have been the offensive extravaganza that everyone expected, I was still riveted throughout.

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