Thursday, April 14, 2011

Quick Post: Jeremy Adams is (apparently) official UPDATED

UPDATE 4/14/11, 2:44PM - Ask and you shall receive; has an article up confirming the NLI. 

I'm still waiting for to say something (anything) about Jeremy Adams, but according to both Buffalo Stampede and Buffzone he's in.  Jeremy certainly does sound excited to be a Buff, which is always good, and his high-major background (having started his career at Texas A&M) is promising, even though it didn't work out for him in College Station.  At 6-5, 190lbs he has some decent size for a wing, and he'll have 3 years left to make an impact at CU.  Chance creation will be a key area where CU needs to cover gaps left by the outgoing 6 players, and Coach Boyle now has multiple options to throw at the problem.


As of now CU is out of scholarships to hand out.  Still waiting on final word from Alec...  In my mind he's 100% gone, but stranger shit has happened.  When he does leave, CU will have to decide if they want to scramble to fill the spot or bank it for next year.  The immediate assumption is that the Buffs need another forward this season.  I'm not sure that's the case.  Dre, Dufault, SHT, and Mills will combine with the incoming freshman Damiene Cain to form the front court.  Assuming no injuries and a return to the 3-guard offense, that's a little bit of a logjam with 5 players playing for 2 spots on the court. With only 2 players playing swing/wing positions, I'd look for Coach Boyle to look for another slasher/scorer if he chooses to spend it this season.

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