Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Desperate times....

Desperate times call for desperate measures.  Cast about in a sea of road losses, I've turned to some admittedly extreme measures to help turn back the tide of losing.

Click below...

Oh Jobu, voodoo god of road victories, I beseech you for mercy.  For far too long have you punished your flock.  For 3 long years, through 18 excruciating defeats, you have deemed us unworthy of your love.

I have been faithful.  Assured others you would come.  I offered you cigar..
and rum...
I even sacrificed a whole chicken...

I'm pissed off now, Jobu. Look, I good to you. I stick up for you. You don't help me now, I say "Fuck you," Jobu, I do it myself.

Go Buffs! 


  1. Are you saying that Jesus Christ couldn't hit a curveball???

    ~Tuba John

  2. Shit Harris, let's not start a Holy War
