Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Beer Post: 2011 Gameday Beer-o-the-week - CSU Edition

Each week throughout the football season I'm going to suggest a good beer for the ubiquitous pre-game tailgate. Let's be honest, with tailgates it's not always top quality that you're looking for. To steal a phrase from the heinous beer terrorists at Budweiser, you want "drinkability." (or what a real beer connoisseur calls "a session beer") So, be warned, these may not be "the best" beers around. But, in the words of Dave Chappelle as Samuel L. Jackson "IT'LL GET YOU DRUNK!"

There can be only one beer for the CSU game.  A beer so noble in packaging as to force all who drink it to forget how average the beer tastes.  As is tradition, for the week of the RMS I'm naming Buff Gold as my tailgate beer-o-the-week.

I give this beer a lot of crap for being less than spectacular, but it really is strikingly 'average.'  While I'd certainly take it over any macro-brew floating around the tailgate pit outside of Sports Authority Field, it wouldn't be the first thing I'd order when sitting down at a bar. 

To be fair, it's kind of tasty, and if you're new to 'craft beer' this would be a safe place to start.  It's definitely a session beer, and satisfies through multiple servings.  There's a heavy dose of beady malt throughout the flavor, with just enough bittering hops to let you know they care.  I'd go out on a limb to say it's better on tap than out of a bottle, but then where would you find a tap of this in the middle of a tailgating area?

Honestly, the only reason I keep coming back to the Boulder Beer staple is the packaging (...damn those brilliant marketers!).  Shallow as that may be, I just don't give a damn.  C'mon, there's a herd of Buffalo on the bottle!  They even threw in the Flatirons!  The label just screams 'Boulder' and 'CU!'  Seriously, grab a six pack of Buff Gold, add in a shot of Buffalo Trace Bourbon, and see if that doesn't get you in the mood for CU football.  Buffalo-Makers all around!

Happy Friday!  Go Buffs, Beat the Lambs!

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