Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Beer Post: 2011 Gameday Beer-o-the-week - Washington Edition

Each week throughout the football season I'm going to suggest a good beer for the ubiquitous pre-game tailgate. Let's be honest, with tailgates it's not always top quality that you're looking for. To steal a phrase from the heinous beer terrorists at Budweiser, you want "drinkability." (or what a real beer connoisseur calls "a session beer") So, be warned, these may not be "the best" beers around. But, in the words of Dave Chappelle as Samuel L. Jackson "IT'LL GET YOU DRUNK!"

When I think the State of Washington, the first thing that pops into my head is apples.  Weird, I know, but those Washington apple commercials I saw as a kid must've made on hell of an impression.  Unfortunately, that means my thought process this week has veered straight off the beer cliff and into cider territory.  I'm so very sorry.  Slightly confused, yet unbowed, I'm naming Woodchuck's Amber Draft Cider as my tailgate "alternative alcaholic beverage"-o-the-week.

Hard cider's have gotten a bad wrap in modern days.  They used to be a core booze in the country, from the earliest colonial days on up to prohibition.   If it's good enough for the Founders (except for Burr, that dude was a pussy), then it's good enough for me. 

Having tasted exactly no other brands, I can safely say that Woodchuck produces the best American hard cider I've ever tried.  It's sweet and apple-y, with a knowing kick to it.  Hey, it's what you would expect.  If you think it's too girly for your manly tailgate, just remember that it probably contains more alcohol than your lame-ass Keystone Light.  Just, whatever you do, don't play beer pong with it.

One other thing I've noticed is that women love this shit.  Seriously, put a 6-pack of Woodchuck out, and watch how quickly you're surrounded.  It's the alcohol equivalent of taking a puppy to a park.  You're welcome.

Happy Friday! Go Buffs, Beat Washington!

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