Wednesday, January 18, 2012

#stopSOPA #stopPIPA

Along with my brothers at Allbuffs, I'm going dark today.  Why? Because, under proposed legislation SOPA and PIPA, a simple link like that could get my whole blog shut down.  That's some bullshit. 

Protecting intellectual property rights holders against wanton piracy is a noble and just goal, but these legislative actions are far to vague and expansive for the task at hand.  In order to protect the village, SOPA and PIPA would burn down the forest when a little advanced horticulture would do.

Along with many of the sites you visit every day, I strongly urge you to call or write your congressional representatives, and express your concerns over these over-reaching acts.  Having worked in politics way back when, I know that, from time to time, massive efforts like this do work, and can kill legislation that once seemed a shoe-in to pass... or at the very least force some changes.

Normal service will resume tomorrow.  Go Buffs!


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