Monday, June 4, 2012

UPDATED: Monday Grab Bag: The freshmen are on campus

I don't know about you, but I had a fantastic weekend.  The wedding I went to Friday evening was a blast and My Sox kept winning.  Let's see if the rest of June can live up to the start.

Today in the bag, I'll be talking about the incoming freshmen classes slowly arriving in Boulder, hyping up the Rockies, and discussing the all-tied-up NBA Conference Finals.

Click below for the bag...

2012 freshmen on campus - 

The 2012 freshmen classes for both the football and mens basketball programs are slowly starting to trickle into Boulder.  For the basketball players, it's in preparation for the trip of a lifetime to Western Europe to show off their skills in a foreign land (and to discover the wonder that is Cosmos); for the football players, it's an opportunity to get a jump start on fall prep.  For Buff Nation, however, it's the first opportunity to welcome in an overly large group of new talent.

Both the football and basketball versions of the 2012 freshmen class are overly large, with the class making up 33% and 46% of the respective rosters.  It can be rightly said that this week is the beginning of a whole new era for each program.  Hopefully, we'll be able to look back on the first week of June 2012 as the start of something really special.

Welcome to Boulder, Class of 2016!  We look forward to seeing you all in action.

(UPDATE 6/4/12) The Ralphie Report has this cool table of arrival times for the football frosh.  I now know far too much.

Hey, look, the Rockies are still playing - 

Don't look now, but the Rockies are finally starting to rouse from their hibernation.  They've won six of their past seven games (8 of 11), and have begun to put some separation between themselves and the basement of the NL West.  Even a DL stint for Troy Tulowitzki couldn't slow the suddenly surging Rockies, as they took the weekend series with the Dodgers.
Cheer up, Gonzo.  You guys are winning again!  (From: the Post)
Let's be honest, the Rox aren't going to compete with anyone this season (that pitching staff is a wasteland), but the least they can do is play hard for the Rockies faithful who still fill up the ballpark.  Kudos to the Rox for hitting their stride.

Around the nation of pro hoops - 

Oklahoma City vs San Antonio

Yep, the Spurs are beatable.  In what only confirmed what I thought last week, the Thunder held serve at home, tying their series with San Antonio at two games a piece.  I'm utterly convinced that the home team will win all seven games of this series, and not one of the proceeding 192 minutes has done a damn thing to change my mind.
Ho-hum, the home team won again.
 Boston vs Miami -

Late last week, I asked a friend of mine who happens to be a Boston fan "are you guys even going to win a game?"  His despondent answer was a shockingly simple "nope."  I'm sure he's overjoyed to be wrong.

Not only did the C's get one game over the weekend, they grabbed two at home to even up the series.  In what was an extremely ugly affair Sunday night (thanks refs!), the Celtics almost managed to blow an 18-point second half lead.  Through sheer will and a 6th foul on LeBron James, Boston regrouped enough to force overtime, and held on through a wide-open look from Dwyane Wade to send the series back to South Beach all tied up.
Neither of these guys were on the court as game four concluded.  Yay?
I'm not entirely sure what the basketball world did wrong to deserve a few more games of this trainwreck of a series, but it's still there for any and all to watch this coming week.  Bad passing, inconsistent referring, and an ESPN-gasm; this series has it all!

Happy Monday! 

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