Thursday, August 16, 2012

Webb is the QB

Remember last week when the coaching staff teased the possibility that the open QB competition could bleed into the first few games of the season?  Well... about that...
Before I even got home from work, Coach Embree had sent out that tweet, cryptically signaling that the coaching staff had named their starter, and that it was Kansas transfer Jordan Webb. I commented yesterday that Buff Nation would know more after the upcoming weekend's scrimmage, but Coach Embree didn't even bother to wait for that live-fire test.  So much for a long, protracted battle.
Anoint him with oils, he's been chosen.  From: the BDC
Of course, it's not like this wasn't expected.  Recent comments by the coaching staff had made it very clear who they were favoring.  It was only a matter of whether the coaching staff would afford Wood the remaining time before the season to try and close the gap.

So, with a week and a half to go before the RMS, CU has their QB.  But that doesn't mean everyone in Buff Nation is happy with the result.  While the news was still digesting, noted Buff commentator Tyler Ziskin raised a few salient points.

Not exactly the stuff of legend, is it?  His point, and it's a fair one, is that the staff put far too much importance on Webb's last two years as a starter.

Of course, I've been on the Connor Wood bandwagon since his arrival last fall, so I'm predisposed to agree with TZisk.  I've always been enamored with Wood's measurables, and I just don't hold Webb's "experience" in high regard, having come in a program reeling through their own calamitous coaching era.  While it's true that Wood had yet to see any of a collegiate field, his career, at least, isn't lousy with losing.

However, the decision has been made, and I'm nothing if not a CU homer.  I for one welcome our new Jayhawk overlord, and wish him luck garroting the lambs on Sept 1st.

1 comment:

  1. All Connor Wood needs is game time. He will seperate himslef and have everyone convinced that he is not only a leader, but a winner. More importanly he will have the support of his teammates- when they see the warrior that he is. Just wait.
