Monday, September 17, 2012

Quick Post: Matt McChesney breaks out the bazooka.

Former CU D-lineman Matt McChesney went for the jugular this morning on Lewis & Floorwax. You can check out part one here, and part two here.  When I say he pulled no punches, I mean he pulled no punches.  You should probably take a moment to listen.
Matt front and center after beating CSU in '03
On his fellow Buffs4Life members pressuring the CU administration to hire from within the family, and essentially getting Embree hired: "We were wrong.  We were dead wrong.  [...] Coach Embree is in over his head. [...] It was probably wrong for Mike Bohn to listen to us."  He goes on to further lambast the current coaching staff, saying of defensive coordinator Greg Brown: "I don't know how [he] still has a job.  If I were him, I'd just resign..."

The dude wants wholesale change, outside the realm of the old guard. "Pride swallowing is the best way to approach this. [...] Pride is really hurting the Colorado Buffaloes." His point is that the B4L crew couldn't see past their own hubris during the last coaching search, and it may have permanently damaged the program.  I certainly can't argue. 

McChesney didn't just call out the coaching staff, however.  Everyone calls out coaches, and this wouldn't be that big of a deal if he had just stopped with Embree and crew.  He also went after the players themselves.  "I'm very tired of hearing everyone blaming Dan Hawkins for all of this. [...] [The seniors] don't deserve the opportunity to keep playing. [...] Obviously [they] don't care, and aren't going to be leaders anyway. [...] [Coach Embree] inherited the softest bunch of just cowards I think I've ever seen in my life at the University of Colorado.  These kids don't care about their university... Why should anyone else at this point?"

God. Damn.

Matt loves CU.  In 2004, his senior year, and the first year post "scandal," he emotionally conducted the marching band during the alma mater after a road win at KU.  He fought through injuries and heart-wrenching off season bullshit to see the program through his senior year.  This guy bleeds Black and Gold in a way that I can only reference; this means something to him beyond the ditzy gameday stuff us civilians partake in on Saturdays.  That's why the interview carries so much weight with me.  This is a Buff, calling out other Buffs for failing to live up the program's standards.

I have a problem blaming college athletes, mostly because I wasn't one myself; I try to avoid it at all costs.  Matt doesn't have that problem.  While it's always a little unsavory to publicly call out 22-year-olds for failing, it's actually a little refreshing in this instance to hear someone place some blame below the top line.  The problems which lead to the team completely quitting before the opening kickoff of the season's third game are inherent in every level, from coaching to the scout team.  Everyone's to blame, and Matt's just echoing what's plainly evident from a former player's perspective.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.  There's going to be a lot of these cathartic diatribes in both print and media over the next few months.  It's going to get worse - a lot worse if the team continues to get blown out every Saturday - I just hope that at some point it begins to get better.

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