Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday Grab Bag: The Banana Stand is more dependable than gravity

I announced this Friday afternoon, but I'll reiterate today: the 2012-13 Massive Basketball Preview will be up tomorrow morning.  I'm in furious edit mode, as I desperately try to tame the 11,000 word beast, but I'm confident that it'll be ready for release within the next 24 hours.

May God have mercy on my soul.


Today in the bag, I'm talking Cross Country, the basketball scrimmage with SMU, a 4th Buff entrant into the NBA, the happenings in Eugene, and my weekly notes from the world of football.

Click below for the bag...

Cross Country wins another title -

WOOOOOO!  BANANA STAND!  Coach Mark Wetmore continues to deliver the goods, as he guided the men's cross country team to their second consecutive conference title over the weekend.  Ranked second in the nation, they swept into Santa Clarita, CA, and defended both their title and their lofty national ranking.  The Buffs placed five harriers in the top-13, as the team easily bested second-place finisher Stanford by 33 points.
Still the best!  From:
The 21st-ranked women's team wasn't as lucky, placing fifth.  It wasn't entirely surprising, as conference rivals Oregon, Stanford, Arizona, and Washington are the 3rd-6th best teams in the land.  This seems to be a rebuilding season for the Buffs, and I'm sure they'll be back in title contention next season.

Still, big congratulations to the men's team for being badasses.  Regionals and nationals are next month.  Here's hoping they can bring home another national title!

Basketball scrimmage with SMU -

Scrimmages are always tough stones to squeeze water from.  The NCAA requires that they be held in private, that scores and stats not be kept, and that the media remain ignorant of the outcome.  There is some discrepancy as to whether coaches are actually forbidden to discuss any of what goes down behind locked doors, but the practice is to not comment at all.
Former Nugget coach Larry Brown probably doesn't want to comment about these pants, either.
Still, I know CU held a scrimmage with SMU on Saturday, and, if internet rumors are to be believed, they "beat" the Mustangs by about 10.  SMU, of course, is being coached by Coach Boyle's long-time mentor Larry Brown.  I had hoped to see the 'stangs on the real schedule, but this probably suffices for Boyle's needs.

ESPN has a quick write-up on the action.  They don't confirm a "victor," but they do say that:
 "The Buffaloes got productive play in points and boards from All-Pac-12 first-team guard Andre Roberson. Freshmen Xavier Johnson and Josh Scott both rebounded well in the scrimmage."
Not very insightful, but I'll take it. 11 days...

Chris Copeland sneaks into the NBA - 

Those of you who have been following the basketball program for longer than the Tad Boyle era will be pleased to hear that former Buff Chris Copeland has found a spot in the NBA.  The New York Knicks have slotted him onto their roster as the 15th man, making him the 4th Buff currently in the Association (Billups, Burks, and Higgins are the others).
Despite making some noise over the summer, Chris was still a long-shot to make the roster.  He used a strong fall camp, especially impressing against the Celtics earlier in the month, to catch the eye of Coach Mike Woodson.  After an injury to starter Amar'e Stoudamire, Cope chipped in 31 points in two games, making it a no-brainer.

He's still not on a guaranteed contract, so the Knicks could cut him loose at any time, but I'm happy that one of my favorite Buffs is finally getting his shot at the NBA.  It's just weird to hear everyone calling him a rookie, since his last game for CU was in '06.

Congrats, Cope, and good luck in New York!

Football - 

On the depressing front, this happened.  Whatever; didn't watch, didn't care. 

I've lost any will to care about this cluster-fuck of a team.  Will Embree get fired after the season?  I don't care.  Who is going to be QB going forward?  I don't care.  Can the Buffs find another win this season?  I don't care.  Is there any area that is showing improvement?  I don't care.

Just somebody remember to turn the lights out when the season ends.

Around the nation of football - 

College Football

Notre Dame @ Oklahoma -

Big win for the Irish, as they survived their trip to Norman with a 30-13 win.  That sounds like it wasn't close, but that game was tense up until the final minutes when ND pulled away.  There were multiple chances for OU to comeback, but that Irish defense was just too strong.
That defense is pretty scary.  Still don't think Te'o is a legitimate Heisman candidate, though.
Surprisingly enough, the Irish are slightly underrated, and on the outside of the championship hunt at this point.  It'll be interesting to see if they can overcome the soft back-end of their schedule to sneak into the title game.

Texas Tech @ Kansas St -

One team that is definitely still in the title hunt is K-State, who rolled past the Raiders 55-24.  Presumed Heisman front-runner, and Colorado native, Collin Klein had another four touchdown effort.  Combined with a Florida loss, K-State is the #2 team in the land.  Try to sleep well at night knowing that.
Nope, still not comfortable with him being the front runner.  I want Geno back!
USC @ Arizona -

USC wideout Marqise Lee had a game for the ages, hauling in 16 catches for 345 yards and two scores.  (Just saying, Arizona, but the Buffs held him to only 106 yards).  The Trojans still lost, however, and are out of national title contention.

New Orleans @ Denver -

I don't know if you've heard, but this Peyton Manning guy is kind of good.  He threw for 305 and three scores in the Broncos' 34-14 win over the Saints.  I gotta admit, the Donkeys' are starting to look good, and the AFC is up for grabs...
Tapenade.  Delicious tapenade.
Carolina @ Chicago - 

MY Bears came back from a 19-7 4th quarter deficit to sneak past the Panthers 23-22.  That ugly game was the definition of my beloved "a-win-is-a-win" mantra.  It was Brandon Marshall who saved the day, as he hauled in nine catches for 98 yards to jumpstart the stalling Bear offense late.

Happy Monday!

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