Monday, November 19, 2012

Quick Post: Confirming what we already knew

Numerous outlets, from CBS to the AP, are letting the world know that the Buffs are one of the 25 best teams in the land.  It's the first time since 2006 that the team has been ranked in any poll, and the earliest in-season ranking since 1970. 

I appreciate their honesty, but I already knew this. Watching the team in Charleston made that point self-evident. 

It's just a shame that the coaches can't be as open and honest about the Buffs continued success, as they left the Buffs off the board at #27.  Who exactly are the coaches voting in these rankings, anyway?  Hrmmm... well, there's Jim Boeheim, Steve Fisher, Shaka Smart, Tommy Amaker, Randy Bennett, and... WAIT A SECOND!  SCOTT DREW HAS A VOTE ON THIS!  That cheating Baylor bastard!  He probably saw the writing on the wall, with the Buffs being ranked higher than his Bears in most places, and left the Buffs off on purpose. DAMN HIM!

Regardless, I guess the team will just have to keep throwing down 'W's' before Drew and his fellow coaches eventually come around to reality.


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