Thursday, January 17, 2013

Quick Post: Washington wrap - On Tilt

Tilt.  In the poker world, it's a term meant for those who can't get over a bad beat, and who recklessly chase winning cards instead of playing the way they had been before.  Anyone who has ever sat at a poker table has fallen into tilt, and lost good money to it's demon.

In the two weeks since a collapse in Tucson lead to the win-that-wasn't, the only thing that has become clear is that the Buffs aren't over that loss.  They haven't looked the same since before those fateful final two minutes in the desert, and mostly seem to be feeling for their game, instead of letting it come to them.  It's a textbook case of tilt.
The plague of bad basketball continues to burn.  From: the BDC
Last night's 64-54 loss to the Washington Huskies was only the latest example in a fortnight of horror for the young Buffs.  Over 40 minutes, CU displayed an inability to take care of the basketball, a disinterest with challenging for rebounds, and complete impotence when trying to score.  It all boiled down to a team who looked frustrated with their new normal, yet were at a loss with how to change it.

As a result, the season has all but slipped away from the team once penciled into the Pac-12's top-quarter.  Sitting at 1-4, even with a home-heavy final 2/3rds of the conference schedule remaining, it's tough to see how the team can now live up to it's early season promise.  I don't think they're broken; the team is still talented, and Coach Boyle didn't suddenly become incompetent.  They're just stuck in a rut.

I can't help but be reminded of last season when, coming off of a 1-3 collapse to close the regular season, senior guard Nate Tomlinson called the team to carpet for their bullshit, saying "I don’t think we’re that good. I’ve played against Kansas, Texas. We’re just not that good. The only chance we have is if we guard, rebound and compete our (fucking) tails off."  If only there was someone in the locker room who could say that today, because that sentiment is blatantly relevant.

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