Thursday, February 7, 2013

Quick Post: 2018 - Hate is Coming

Imagine where you'll be in five years...

Tom Osbourn will be dead... CSU will have finally gone full-time online, selling off their dump of a campus for quick cash to pay off debt incurred by their failure of a new stadium... Tad Boyle will have just won his second national title in three years... This kid will have weeping children of his own...

The world sits in peace. 

Suddenly, a rumble from the West perks up for the first time in nearly a decade.  Long forgotten after years of silence, it pours eastward through the plains, blanketing desolate, water-starved fields as it goes. 

Hate has returned.

Prepare yourselves accordingly.

Coach MikeMac, all kidding aside, I don't care if you're still here in five years.  Run off to the SEC as soon as you can, wouldn't bother me in the slightest.  The only thing I ask... nope, not ask... FUCKING REQUIRE, yes, the one thing that I fucking require is that you help get this program into a position to win in five years.

No excuses, get it done.

Fuck Nebraska.

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