Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday Beer Post: 2013 Gameday Beer-o-the-week - Bye Week Edition

Each week throughout the football season I'm going to suggest a good beer for the ubiquitous pre-game tailgate. Let's be honest, with tailgates it's not always top quality that you're looking for. To steal a phrase from the heinous beer terrorists at Budweiser, you want "drinkability." (or what a real beer connoisseur calls "a session beer") So, be warned, these may not be "the best" beers around. But, in the words of Dave Chappelle as Samuel L. Jackson "IT'LL GET YOU DRUNK!"

Bye weeks mean no football, at least for our CU heroes. I'm not going to run out to the store to buy something special for just any old football - it has to be the Buffs!  Accordingly, my beer pick this week is simply whatever is in my fridge.

Let's see... *rummages*... AHA! My gameday beer-o-the-week is Autumn Ale from Breckenridge Brewery.
Seasonally appropriate, at least.  Good job, roommates!

A nice, beautifully dark ale, Autumn has a strong malty backbone.  Toasty, chocolate-y, it'll go perfect with the cooling nights of fall.  Not really hoppy, per se, it does feature some light bitterness, but this beer is all about the malt.  Mostly, it's a smooth drinking, larger body beer that is a nice change of pace from my typical fair.

At 6.7 ABV, don't just go diving into a six-pack.  Sit back, put your feet up, and enjoy the slow pace of a college football Saturday from the comfort of your couch.

Happy Friday!  Go Buffs, beat [data not found]!

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