I was in the car Friday, stuck in traffic on US 36 (a shitshow of epic proportions, btw), when I decided to try out some local sports talk. You know the station. It's not a frequent occurrence that I turn to Denver's view of sports, and I should've known what I was getting into, but I was aghast at the content. A rehash of the NFL schedule release, an early (exhaustive) look at the NFL draft, and nary a non-football thought. In April. *sigh, throws things*
I understand that the NFL is a dominant piece of the sporting landcape, and the absence of local playoff entrants in either of the two tournaments currently being played hurts, but this continuing myopia, from a supposedly 'major' market, is criminal. I hear a constant refrain that the NFL is a 24/7/365 league, which only makes me weep for this once proud, diverse sporting country. It's only a topic of conversation 365 days a year because our sports media has grown tired and lazy, either unwilling or unable to stretch their legs and come up with unique segments. We should be demanding more.
What else is there to talk about, you ask? Why, how about baseball? Denver even has a team in that sport, one that is currently competitive (go Rox). Not a seamhead? The NBA and the NHL playoffs are in full swing, and well worth your consideration. Even without either of the Nuggets or Avalanche competing, they're full of drama and intrigue. Still wanting more? Well, the Kentucky Derby is this weekend - i.e. the only weekend a year we as a nation pretend to still care about horse racing. Oh, btw, there's also the latest 'fight of the century,' golf is in full swing, college basketball's Hot Stove is boiling, and I heard a rumor that NASCAR and MMA are still things. If you can't find 3-4 hours of non-football content each day out of that pool, you're just not very good at your job.
'But they should be giving the people what they want,' you counter, 'and the people want to talk Broncos!' First, I don't believe that people really want to talk Broncos in April, I think they've just been conditioned to do so. A pseudo Stockholm effect, if you will. Secondly, has anyone even tried to provide an alternative, local voice in this market? In drive time, when people are actually listening to radio? I'm not saying you can't talk football - some discussion of the draft is warranted - but talking of nothing but the NFL for an entire show proves the shallow mind behind the wheel.
But, maybe that's the point. In the age of the podcast and satellite radio, maybe sports talk in a market such as this is an anachronistic dog. Feed some red meat to the morons in order to squeeze the last advertising drops out of the medium, and watch it wither and die in silence. As someone who grew up listening to sports talk in the 'golden age,' I find that notion sad, but at least understandable. But, in that case, don't pretend to be a 'sports' station; just bite the bullet, take the football-only mantle into the light, and end all doubt.
Today in the bag, I'm talking a bunch of playoffs. First, some NBA talk, before jumping out onto the ice of the NHL. I'll finish with women's lacrosse, because I'm a huge homer like that.
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Covering University of Colorado sports, mostly basketball, since 2010

Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Tuesday Grab Bag: Derrick White is Official
What's that? The NFL schedule just got released? I ain't got no time for that garbage; I'm late with this week's bag!
Today I'm talking Derrick White and a whole load of early playoff action from both the hardwood and ice.
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Today I'm talking Derrick White and a whole load of early playoff action from both the hardwood and ice.
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Monday Grab Bag,
off season,
recruiting news (bullshit)
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Tuesday Grab Bag: Yet More Attrition in Basketball
I think it goes without saying that I hate the 'wave.' By participating, you’re saying, in essence, 'I no longer care about what’s going on in front of me, and just want to goof off for a bit." I guess I get the notion - you’re bored at a game, and want something communal to participate in - but it strikes me as a gateway to the lesser aspects of being a sports fan. Since a fellow member of the Pac-12 (Washington) claims responsibility for berthing the beast, there's some conference honor to be had in its continuance, but I would prefer to be left out of it.
That informs why dawning horror splashed across my face Friday afternoon as two (and there’s really no other way to describe them) Sox-bros stood up at the bottom of a nearby section, and began to exhort their fellow fans to giving rise to the wave. I had long prided myself in saying that no Sox fan would ever participate in the wave; ‘Oh no,’ I thought, ‘the safety of my imagined reality is being breached! Maybe we do, indeed, 'wave.’
Thankfully, the nonsense was short lived. Others around me grumbled their displeasure, and, out of hundreds sat before them in the section, only a scant handful even pretended to participate. Surely, the lousy performance put on from the home nine that afternoon had put a damper on fanatic spirits, but the curse of a wave to satiate the bored was avoided.
If you or anyone you know struggles with the urge to 'wave,' let me encourage you to seek out professional help. Together, we can cure this devastating affliction.
Today in the bag, I'm talking another round of roster attrition in men's basketball, the Masters, and some final ruminations from my weekend trip home to the SouthSide.
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Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Tuesday Grab Bag: A Champion is Crowned
Straight to the action today. I have thoughts on the national championship decided last night, baseball's opening day, and the lacrosse team.
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Click below for the bag...
Final 4,
Monday Grab Bag,
NCAA Tournament,
opening day,
White Sox
Thursday, April 2, 2015
On the Pac-12's Basketball Bands
From time to time I've expressed my opinions on the basketball bands of the Pac-12. Some of you enjoy these delves into band geekdom, and have requested more. This post is for you.
Of course, I've also received the occasional push-back on those opinions, like I did last week when I agreed with Rush The Court's Andrew Murawa that the Arizona band appearing in Los Angeles was... less than awesome. Maybe, in that light, I should provide my qualifications to comment on the league's pep bands, so that you can better understand where I'm coming from.
The large tuba player in the picture above is me. *waves* I played with the CU marching and basketball bands from 2002-2006. During that time, I rose to become tuba section leader, and have stayed close to the program since graduation. To this day, you can occasionally find me strapping up as part of the Silver Buffalo Alumni Basketball Band. While not an 'expert performer,' per se, I would consider myself an expert participant in all that is life as a basketball band geek. It's this experience and passion that underscores my opinions on the subject.
(Note on the label 'band geek:' I have never found this term to be offensive, and self-identify as such. If you, as a band member, do find offense, I apologize, but would hope you understand that I use it here with love)
Of course, the very subject - the quality, or lack there of, of various collegiate pep bands - is itself highly subjective. There are no right or wrong answers here, and, much like beauty, what you like in the arena is a very personal concept.
For me, I key on a few areas:
Unfortunately, while I've heard every band in the league play in person (via the Pac-12 Tournament), I'm still deprived of their full-force effort. (I'll be looking to rectify that in future years, eyeing more travel during January and February.) Still, at the very least, the tournament in Vegas provides an equal-footing setting. While not perfect, it will at least provide a standard for comparison. And so, based on my impressions from last month in Sin City, I have compiled a ranking of the league's pep bands for 2015.
A caveat - This is a particularly brutal way to judge musical groups, and I ask that you take this with a grain of salt. It's purely a reflection of my id's interpretation of the tournament, obscured, in no small measure, by alcohol and sleep deprivation. Really, there are no winners and losers here. Bands are there to enhance your enjoyment of the event, and, to that measure, every band in the Pac-12 hit their marks. Basketball in the Left Coast wouldn't be the same without any of them.
Without further ado:
1) Stanford
The Cardinal are the gold standard in the Pac-12. No one has more fun, and that bleeds into my enjoyment of their product. The damn Tree - notably the band's mascot, not the team's - also helps. Leaves flopping, always spinning, it's an endearing part of the ensemble. Oh, and don't forget the cowbell. You can never have too much of that. Loud, exuberant, fast-paced, and with a varied book. Just wonderful, the whole package.
2) Oregon
They have a great book, a great arrangement of players. I kept wanting to turn against them, for Dana Altman reasons, but, damnit, they kept winning me over. Out-played every band they came up against in Vegas; not kidding. That first trumpet either needs to learn to hold that high note on Stone Cold or hand it off to someone else, though.
3) Oregon State
Oregon State stole Dana Biggs, CU's former director, a few years ago, and their product has steadily improved, as a result. I've always like Dana's tempos - lightning quick, and impactful - and his players at OSU have really taken to them. The notes are crisp, clean, and they have the noise to back it up. It doesn't hurt that the Kentucky product brought many of my old Colorado favorites with him to Corvallis, either. Solid package.
4) Washington
In a surprise, the Huskies caught my eye by having some of the best tubas in Las Vegas. My word, could they play. I honestly didn't pay much attention to the rest of the band, my ear was tuned to the big heavies in the back. Beefy, brassy sound that thundered throughout the arena. Hell of a show, kids, keep up the good work!
5) CU
In 2012, I though Colorado boasted one of the best basketball bands in the whole country. You may say 'oh, that's just you speaking as a faithful alum,' but I'd put that group up against any (even mighty VCU). The intervening years haven't been kind, however. Three directors in as many years have upended the apple cart, and there has been some noticeable slippage in the product. The new guy (Dr Dockendorf) seems to have things on a positive track, and further continuity will help them regain their standing near the top of this league.
Still, a fun group to listen to. Generally fun, peppy, fast, and brassy. I'm a little too familiar with the book at this point, but I still like to hear hits like 'Separate Ways,' and 'Hey Pachuco.'
The Bruins are very technically good, playing all their songs at an elite level. Some of the best pure musicians in the Pac-12. If this were a concert setting, I'd have them much higher on this list. The problem is they're very quiet. I have to strain myself to hear them, even from good seats. Maybe it's a product of playing for all the blue hairs in Pauley, but they need to be able to turn the amp up to 11 once they hit the Strip.
7) ASU
I found myself really liking this group, much to my surprise. Nice and brassy, with a fun book. They make for a really entertaining bunch. However, they have an Achilles' heel. Wayyyyyyyy too much electric bass. It's distracting. Pull that beast back in, yo.
8) Arizona
I really like the drummers from Arizona. As long as I've been listening, they lay on the cymbals, creating a very unique sound. I can always tell when 'Zona is playing, just from the tone of the kit. The rest of the band, though... *shrugs*. Pretty quiet, and a little plain musically. The self-indulgent trombone in the first row doesn't do them any favors; dude loves himself some him.
9) Cal
Another band where I kind of just *shrug*. With the hats and flair, they seem like a corporatized version of Stanford. Kind of quiet and reserved, I lose track of them, and start staring at Oski... damn is that bear creepy.
10) USC
Speaking of corporatized fun, the USC band gets a lot of pub, but, much like their basketball program, are never what they could/should be. They're probably down here simply because I expect more from a leading brand.
11) Utah
Honestly can't remember what they sounded like. I've been wracking my brain, and simply can't remember. I had to sit in the cheap seats for both of their games, so maybe it's just that I was too far removed from their sound, but I'm drawing a blank. I'll pay closer attention to them next March - they should probably be higher up this list, as a result.
12) WSU
No, they're not the middle school band I made them out to be a few years back. Much better than that, really. But, they're still solidly at the bottom of this list. I will say, however, that they have the best free throw chant in the league. 'You let the whole team down' owns.
Of course, I've also received the occasional push-back on those opinions, like I did last week when I agreed with Rush The Court's Andrew Murawa that the Arizona band appearing in Los Angeles was... less than awesome. Maybe, in that light, I should provide my qualifications to comment on the league's pep bands, so that you can better understand where I'm coming from.
The large tuba player in the picture above is me. *waves* I played with the CU marching and basketball bands from 2002-2006. During that time, I rose to become tuba section leader, and have stayed close to the program since graduation. To this day, you can occasionally find me strapping up as part of the Silver Buffalo Alumni Basketball Band. While not an 'expert performer,' per se, I would consider myself an expert participant in all that is life as a basketball band geek. It's this experience and passion that underscores my opinions on the subject.
(Note on the label 'band geek:' I have never found this term to be offensive, and self-identify as such. If you, as a band member, do find offense, I apologize, but would hope you understand that I use it here with love)
Of course, the very subject - the quality, or lack there of, of various collegiate pep bands - is itself highly subjective. There are no right or wrong answers here, and, much like beauty, what you like in the arena is a very personal concept.
For me, I key on a few areas:
- I need to be able to hear you. You could be the most technically brilliant set of performers around, but if you're not playing loud enough for a noisy, distractive environment, that brilliance is wasted. Remember - you're at a basketball game; play like it.
- Play fast, damnit. Get in, get out. You have my attention for about 80 seconds... get moving. In my day, the CU band used to whip out 'Minnie the Moocher' each and every night. Great song, but it dragged ass, and killed the mood. Give it some gas, kids.
- You must be brass heavy. All apologies to woodwinds, but... MOAR BRASS! Bonus points: The louder and fatter your tubas sound, the better.
- Play the hits. Don't play some intricate, jazzy/blues track to indulge your music majors; I better know what I'm listening to. Also, if you've got a great song you're known for, I'd better hear you playing it. USC - I want to hear 'Tusk.' Stanford - light up 'All Right Now.' Oregon - Stone Cold's entrance song, if you please. But don't play something modern and popular just to play it. You'd better have a good arrangement.
- ...but not just the top-40. You should have more than a few songs that you play every game. I used to mock Oklahoma mercilessly for having one - and only one - song in their book (you know the one). Expand your horizons.
- Appropriate genres. In general, I prefer the following genres - funk, blues rock, disco, soul, 80s hair metal, big band/swing, and ska (highly underutilized). Some hip hop, R&B, metal, and modern pop tracks (but those can get you in trouble with flobby arrangements). These aren't requirements - the odd country song can be fun - but just what I prefer. If you have a lot of ska tunes in your folder, you will win me heart over immediately.
Unfortunately, while I've heard every band in the league play in person (via the Pac-12 Tournament), I'm still deprived of their full-force effort. (I'll be looking to rectify that in future years, eyeing more travel during January and February.) Still, at the very least, the tournament in Vegas provides an equal-footing setting. While not perfect, it will at least provide a standard for comparison. And so, based on my impressions from last month in Sin City, I have compiled a ranking of the league's pep bands for 2015.
A caveat - This is a particularly brutal way to judge musical groups, and I ask that you take this with a grain of salt. It's purely a reflection of my id's interpretation of the tournament, obscured, in no small measure, by alcohol and sleep deprivation. Really, there are no winners and losers here. Bands are there to enhance your enjoyment of the event, and, to that measure, every band in the Pac-12 hit their marks. Basketball in the Left Coast wouldn't be the same without any of them.
Without further ado:
1) Stanford
The Cardinal are the gold standard in the Pac-12. No one has more fun, and that bleeds into my enjoyment of their product. The damn Tree - notably the band's mascot, not the team's - also helps. Leaves flopping, always spinning, it's an endearing part of the ensemble. Oh, and don't forget the cowbell. You can never have too much of that. Loud, exuberant, fast-paced, and with a varied book. Just wonderful, the whole package.
2) Oregon
They have a great book, a great arrangement of players. I kept wanting to turn against them, for Dana Altman reasons, but, damnit, they kept winning me over. Out-played every band they came up against in Vegas; not kidding. That first trumpet either needs to learn to hold that high note on Stone Cold or hand it off to someone else, though.
3) Oregon State
Oregon State stole Dana Biggs, CU's former director, a few years ago, and their product has steadily improved, as a result. I've always like Dana's tempos - lightning quick, and impactful - and his players at OSU have really taken to them. The notes are crisp, clean, and they have the noise to back it up. It doesn't hurt that the Kentucky product brought many of my old Colorado favorites with him to Corvallis, either. Solid package.
4) Washington
In a surprise, the Huskies caught my eye by having some of the best tubas in Las Vegas. My word, could they play. I honestly didn't pay much attention to the rest of the band, my ear was tuned to the big heavies in the back. Beefy, brassy sound that thundered throughout the arena. Hell of a show, kids, keep up the good work!
5) CU
In 2012, I though Colorado boasted one of the best basketball bands in the whole country. You may say 'oh, that's just you speaking as a faithful alum,' but I'd put that group up against any (even mighty VCU). The intervening years haven't been kind, however. Three directors in as many years have upended the apple cart, and there has been some noticeable slippage in the product. The new guy (Dr Dockendorf) seems to have things on a positive track, and further continuity will help them regain their standing near the top of this league.
Still, a fun group to listen to. Generally fun, peppy, fast, and brassy. I'm a little too familiar with the book at this point, but I still like to hear hits like 'Separate Ways,' and 'Hey Pachuco.'
The Bruins are very technically good, playing all their songs at an elite level. Some of the best pure musicians in the Pac-12. If this were a concert setting, I'd have them much higher on this list. The problem is they're very quiet. I have to strain myself to hear them, even from good seats. Maybe it's a product of playing for all the blue hairs in Pauley, but they need to be able to turn the amp up to 11 once they hit the Strip.
7) ASU
I found myself really liking this group, much to my surprise. Nice and brassy, with a fun book. They make for a really entertaining bunch. However, they have an Achilles' heel. Wayyyyyyyy too much electric bass. It's distracting. Pull that beast back in, yo.
8) Arizona
I really like the drummers from Arizona. As long as I've been listening, they lay on the cymbals, creating a very unique sound. I can always tell when 'Zona is playing, just from the tone of the kit. The rest of the band, though... *shrugs*. Pretty quiet, and a little plain musically. The self-indulgent trombone in the first row doesn't do them any favors; dude loves himself some him.
9) Cal
Another band where I kind of just *shrug*. With the hats and flair, they seem like a corporatized version of Stanford. Kind of quiet and reserved, I lose track of them, and start staring at Oski... damn is that bear creepy.
10) USC
Speaking of corporatized fun, the USC band gets a lot of pub, but, much like their basketball program, are never what they could/should be. They're probably down here simply because I expect more from a leading brand.
11) Utah
Honestly can't remember what they sounded like. I've been wracking my brain, and simply can't remember. I had to sit in the cheap seats for both of their games, so maybe it's just that I was too far removed from their sound, but I'm drawing a blank. I'll pay closer attention to them next March - they should probably be higher up this list, as a result.
12) WSU
No, they're not the middle school band I made them out to be a few years back. Much better than that, really. But, they're still solidly at the bottom of this list. I will say, however, that they have the best free throw chant in the league. 'You let the whole team down' owns.
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