Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Beer Post: More Beer Brackets

As it is the season of brackets, I feel its only fitting that I pass along yet another beer-tournament.  DRAFT Magazine (which I score free copies of a work, HA HA!) is not only offering you the opportunity to participate in their Beer Madness tournament, but humbly offers up to one lucky bracketeer a Beer Meister Kegerator.
Now that's a prize worth winning

This beer bracket, unlike the yearly IPA bracket (BTW, won by Big Dog's Dirty Dog IPA), is open to many different styles, which certianly spices up the competition. All you have to do to enter is fill out the bracket and toss them some basic info.  Not too shabby for a shot at a super-sweet beer dispenser.  Each beer/brewery is playing for a charity, so you even get to feel good about yourself for participating.
Brackets and beer, a match made in heaven.
My tipster passes along the names Sexual Chocolate, Kentucky Breakfast Stout, and Black Tuesday, but I'm also partial to home-state favorites G'Knight Imperial Red (Oskar Blues), Milk Stout (Lefthand), and Myrcenary (Odells).  If you're looking to kill some time on this lazy, Tournament filled Friday, I suggest you head on over and fill out a bracket.  You have until Tuesday to fill in the first and second rounds.  Maybe you'll be the one to walk away with the kegerator.

1 comment:

  1. I will show you mine if you show me yours...

    Bracket that is!
