Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday Grab Bag: More Snow?

Ha-ha.  Very funny, Mr. weatherman.  'More snow' on the docket for this evening.  Sure there is.  Wait, you're serious?  Another 2-4 inches?  OK, the weather gods are just trolling us now.

Since the softball season started in early March, snowfall has been so frequent that I've only been able to work one night of umpiring out of nine scheduled.  That means a serious loss of second-job income for yours truly, which has left my pocketbook hurting.  How am I supposed to afford my rock-'n-roll lifestyle on the pittance I receive from the corporate reptile alone?  Worst. Spring. Ever.

Today in the bag, I'm talking Nick Hirschman, Ryan Thorburn, and the high-flying Rox and Nuggets.

Click below for the bag...

Hirschman leaves program - 

The big news from Dal Ward last week was that QB Nick Hirschman is leaving the program.

From a football-centric viewpoint, this move doesn't make a lot of sense.  While 'Hirsch' never got much of a chance to shine in Black and Gold, spending most of his time backing up the likes of Tyler Hansen and Jordan Webb, he was a strong candidate to earn the starting job this season.  Connor Wood, ostensibly now the only remaining healthy competitor for the #1 QB spot, had looked good for much of the spring, including his P-Rich-aided performance in the Spring Game, but, as far as anyone could tell, no decision had been made, and Hirschman was far from out of the running.  So, consider this a personal/academic move.
Good luck, Hirsch.  From: the BDC
Because the fourth-year junior will graduate in May, he'll be able to play this fall and still have two years to perform at whatever school he chooses.  Perhaps, much like Jeremy Adams, Hirschman is just leveraging his football talent to get the most out of his academic career, which is a very perceptive way to use a system that spends most of it's time using the players.

I wouldn't spend too much time fretting over the depth chart at the QB slot.  Even though the Buffs lost Hirschman, and won't be receiving the services of something called a 'Nelson Fishback,' the squad still has the junior Wood, probably another year of senior Jordan Webb (who is missing this season due to an ACL tear), redshirt freshman Shane Dillon, and incoming frosh Sefo Liufau in the fold, in addition to the bench mob of Stevie Joe Dorman, and John Schrock.  Assuming the new staff spends another scholarship on a QB this recruiting cycle, there will be plenty of warm bodies to throw in under center over the coming years.

Thorburn axed -  

The downward spiral of print media has claimed another victim.  A quiet rumor since the Spring Game, it was finally confirmed on Thursday that Ryan Thorburn had been ousted from his post as the CU basketball beat-writer for the Boulder Daily Camera. 

I hate that the Camera hasn't even acknowledge the move.  Sweep it under the rug if you must, BDC, but Thorburn was damn good at his job, and he won't be easily replaced.  His quiet candor, and respect for both his readers and subjects are traits not shared by many of his colleagues.  With a confident, hopeful tone, he brought the humble beginnings of the Tad Boyle era to the reader, and I thank him for it.

So, who are we, as passionate followers of CU basketball, left to turn to in these happy times?  Who will bring us the in-depth coverage of the Buffs and their continuing climb to the top of basketball in the West?

Well, for starters, I wouldn't count Ryan out.  There's more than one way to cover a program these days, and I wouldn't be surprised to hear that he resurfaces in the area covering Tad Boyle and crew.  In the meantime, however, I highly recommend plunking down the money for Adam Munsterteiger and Will Whelan over at  Munsterteiger and Rivals have heavily invested in beefing up hoops coverage, and it shows.  With Thorburn gone from the beat (for now), they're the best in town.

Rox stay hot, Nuggets start their playoff run - 

It's a shame, really, how under-served the Denver market is for conversation concerning three of the four major professional sports, especially when you consider how strong the product often is.  Contrary to what the four Denver sports radio stations would have you believe, there is more to Colorado living than just the Broncos.

Take for example the Colorado Rockies.  They are, of course, quietly off to one of the best starts in franchise history.  Their perfect home start to the season may have been spoiled yesterday afternoon, but that's besides the point as their upcoming series with the Atlanta Braves, also riding a hot 13-5 start, is one of the most anticipated of the young season.  Maybe if anyone in this town actually covered the team drawing 30+K fans to the ballpark 82 days a year, we'd have seen this coming.  Instead, I heard nothing but Broncos free agency talk, and discussion about who will be the 'cos 53rd man.
Tulo and the Rox have been on fire in April.  From: the Post.
And how about those Nuggets?  They're rolling into the NBA playoffs as dark horse contenders for the Western crown.  Sure, they had to survive a late charge from Golden State in game one of their 1st-round playoff series, and will continue to miss the services of injured forward Danilo Gallinari, but I still like their chances against any team not from Oklahoma City.  I guess the radio jocks in town were too busy covering the non-action of the damn NFL schedule release to notice how fun and entertaining this Nuggets team is to watch.
Miller's layup helped the Nuggets survive game one.  From: the Post.
The really fucked up thing is that this is the week of the NFL draft, so everyone in this town will continue to bury their heads about the teams actually playing (and winning) games RIGHT NOW.  It's just a damn shame.

Don't worry, Rockies and Nuggets, you've at least got me in your corner!

Happy Monday!

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