- Ron Swanson
"There is a big difference between being interested in something and being committed to something."
I've been thinking a lot on that first quote lately. It lead off my Massive Preview last year, more as a reminder of purpose than anything else. "Stay on task, Rumblin," it seemed to speak to me, "don't let your focus wander."
Well, embarrassing as it is to admit, my focus has wandered. It's to the point that I no longer feel that whatever I'm putting down in virtual ink is up to my personal standard (please do take that with a humble grain of salt). That's why the second quote, from His Tadness the other day, falls like a hammer-blow. There is a big difference between being interested in writing and being committed, and it's a reality I'm now forced to face. I'm just not committed anymore.
It's with that in mind that I pull the plug on writing this season, and maybe this blog. I tried, I really did, but writing in the Year of our Tad 2017-18 just isn't in the cards, and it's hard to see a path to my return. If you were looking forward to what I had promised to produce this season, I am sincerely sorry. If you don't care, I respect that as well, and look forward to joining you in this indifference.
Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm still a passionate BasketBuff, and I'm really looking forward to this season. It'll be a season of rebirth, renewal, and, hopefully, a return to the NCAA Tournament. But it will also be a season with me decidedly away from the keyboard. Back to being a faithful, muted fan.
Regardless, if this is, indeed, my farewell from long(ish)-form basketball bullshit, I would like to thank everyone who ever found this space and spent some of their time here. If I can walk away from seven years having given even one heartbeat of meaningful substance away, I will consider it time well spent.
Good luck, and #RollTad.
Ben, fwiw as a longtime anonymous reader, I always enjoyed your posts, especially since I knew it wasn't your day job. Thanks for taking the time to cover the Buffs with passion and energy--it wasn't wasted on this audience!
Thank you for your years of hard work. Your writing has gotten better and better throughout the years, and your analysis is always spot on. I know that having a full-time avocation is tough to commit to, and you never shirked your passion for basketball. You will be missed.
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