Manny Ramirez is a White Sox. (Yeesh, that's weird to say.) This isn't going to win us the division (it's lost, believe me), but it sure will give me something interesting to watch over the next 30 days.
Sure, instead of (or possibly in addition to) adding Manny, the Sox should've at least put a claim in on Brian Fuentes. But, on it's face, adding one of the greatest right handed hitters in a generation for one month of baseball, and giving up no physical talent to get him, is an easy call: if the guy signing the checks goes along with it, you'd be a fool to say no.

(Sure, bring him on. From: the Trib)
Some people are worried about the "image" of taking on a busted PED user (also, weirdly, the attendance in Cleveland.... you lost me there). Aren't we being a tad bit dramatic? Manny isn't the devil. He isn't some evil blood-thirsty dictator. 30+ days of Mannywood on the south-side won't tarnish the franchise, and if we somehow do end up in the post-season, does anyone really care what it took to get there. I appreciate the win-now attitude (mostly because my childhood was scarred by the "White-flag trade" of '97), and am willing to put up with, essentially any act for 30 days if it brings victories. I don't care about his hair, and I don't care about his refusal to speak English with the Chicago media. By opening day 2011, I'll forget he ever wore the uniform.
Look, this is real life. These guys are professionals. There will be no issue with clubhouse chemistry, and anyone expecting fireworks from Ozzie and Manny clearly doesn't have any perspective on reality vs perception. If Manny hits, and the Sox win, there will be back-slaps and 'atta-boy's all around in Kenny Williams office. If he doesn't, and the Sox lose, there will be back-slaps and "well, at least we gave it a shot"'s all around. Either way, at least we tried.
Dreadlocks for all!! Booooo!
Crew cuts for all!! Boooo!
Ok...Dreadlocks for some, and crew cuts for others. Booo!
Wow, politics isn't as easy as you would have thought...
You forgot the miniature American Flags. You gotta give middle America something to stare at while you slip the dreadlocks past them on the coasts
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